

서브 비주얼

CE RoHS certification system

CE RoHS certification system


RoHS(The Restriction of the use of certain Hazardous Substances in electrical and electronic equipment)

It is regulation about limiting use of harmful substance that are required in manufacturing electric ·electronic product. Environment regulation activated by European Union restrict use of 6 specific harmful substance, Lead (Pb), Cadmium (Cd), Mercury (Hg), Hexavalent chrome (Cr6+), PBBs(Polybrominated phenyls), and PBDEs(Polybrominated diphenyl ethers)) on electronic product. It has been in effect since July, 2006 to all products produced and imported within Europe, in order to reduce risk cause by WEEE (EU guideline on waste material of electronic product) for environment and human body.

Item subject for certification

유럽 CE RoHS 2 인증 대상 품목 카테고리, 강제적용개시(제 4조 3항)
Annex Enforced application of RoHS 2 (Article 4 paragraph 3)
* CE marking connection
(Cat.1) Large household appliances 2013. 1. 3.
(Cat.2) Small household appliances
(Cat.3) IT and telecommunications equipment
(Cat.4) Consumer equipment
(Cat.5) Lighting equipment
(Cat.6) Electrical and electronic tools
(Cat.7) Toys, leisure and sports equipment
(Cat.8) Medical devices. 2014. 7. 22.
IVD 2016. 7. 22.
(Cat.9) Monitoring and control instruments 2014. 7. 22.
Industrial Monitoring and control instruments 2017. 7. 22.
(Cat.10) Automatic dispensers. 2013. 1. 3.
(Cat.11) Other EEE not covered by any of the categories above 2019. 7. 22.

RoHS 2 and CE marking

CE마킹과 적합선언서(Doc), 기술문서(TD) 확대

If product is suitable for RoHS guideline, include CE marking on product

RoHS지침의 대상제품으로서 지침 요구
Write declaration of conformity (DoC) Required to store for 10 year
Write technical document Required to store for 10 year

When is CE marking?

CE마킹 시작일
Cat. 1~7, 10 2013. 1. 3.
Cat. 8&9, 11 From each enforcement date

Write technical document(TCF)

기술문서 (Technical Dossier) 작성 Scheme 확대

  1. ① Supplier & ② Material 신뢰성 평가 (예시)
    • Supplier Declarations and/or Contractual Agreements (1. 공금자선언 및 또는 계약서)
    • Material Declarations (2. 재질선언)
    • Analytical Test Results (3. 시험성적서, ISO 17025)
  2. Data의 품질 및 신뢰성 평가
  3. TD 기술문서에 포함될 내용
    • 일반적인 제품 묘사
    • Material, Parts Sub-Assemblies에 대한 자료
    • Material, Parts Sub-Assemblies가 50581의 4,3항 요건을 만족한다는 정보
    • 조화표준 (Harmonized) List

Point of contact

담당자 - Name, Tel, E-mail
Name Position Task Tel E-mail
Park Jinjae Manager KC, CB, CCC, CE etc Global Certificate +82-2-2164-1479 jjpark@ktr.or.kr