

서브 비주얼

Child-resistant package

Child-resistant package

Quality management and Safety Control of Industrial Products Act Article 24

Products that are designed for tricky for children less than 5 to open in certain period of time but easy for adults

Industrial product subject for child-resistant package

Quality management and Safety Control of Industrial Products Act Article 2 Subparagraph 12 and same Act enforcement regulation Article 2 Paragrpah 4

Among industrial products that are subject for child-resistant package that could cause addiction to consumers if drink or inhaleth

Field and Item

  • 1. Antifreeze
  • 2. Washing reagent for car's front glsss window

Download annex for child-resistant package

Quality management and Safety Control of Industrial Products Act Article 25, enforcement regulation Article 27

Label showing that it is hard for children to open the produ+E68ct but easy for adults

[Asterisk 11] Child-resistant package label (Relevant with Article 27 )

Labeling standard

Design shape for child-resistant package label (Child-resistant package report number)

KC마크, 어린이보호포장신고필증번호:

Protocol for design

  • - Size of shape for child-resistant package label can be adjusted based on size of industrial product.
  • - Basic color for child-resistant package label is navy(Color 5PB 2/8 according to KS A 0062 ) or black( color N 2 according to KS A 0062 ).

Labeling method

  • Child-resistant package label should be attached to the surface of industrial product for easy identification or either printed or stamped.