

서브 비주얼

Safety Confirmation

Safety Confirmation

Electric Appliances and Household Safety Control Act article 15

System requires product of manufacturer or importer to get approval by model from safety verification agency, prior to release or clearance and have to make notification to safety certification agency

Object for safety verification

Industrial product, Electric Appliances and Household Safety Control Act, article 2 subparagraph11 and enforcement regulation article 3 paragraph 4

Household product that could casue harm on consumer's life and body, damage to property and natural environment due to its structure, materials, and methods

Item available for registration

  • 1. Battery(Primary Battery(Excluding Charger)
  • 2. Tire for automobiles (Excluding durability and high speed test)
  • 3. Disposable diaper
  • 4. Flooring materials for indoor(PVC flooring)
  • 5. Breastfeeding Pads
  • 6. Blader for portable mower

Procedure and necessary document by stage

  • - Submit copy of registration form for all documents during registration.
  • - For steps of procedures, please see details in [Annex] of registration form for necessary document(also used as notice for result).

Apply for safety verification

  • 1. 2 copies of notification for safety verification (also used as verification for KPS) (Annex article 14)
  • 2. Copy of business license
  • 3. Copy of instruction on product(Including photograph)
  • 4. Copy of test result on industrial products of inspection agency and product for safety verification according to 「Electric Appliances and Household Safety Control Act 」 Article 14 paragraph 1

Apply for change in safety verification

  • 1. 2 copies of safety verification change notification
  • 2. Copy of document proving changes

Apply for exemption from safety verification notification

If your cases correspond with followings you can apply for exemption from all or part of notification (But, information on products for research·development and export should be contacted to product safety association by TEL.02-890-8300.)

  • 1. 2 copies of exemption notification for safety verification (Annex article 7)
  • 2. Copy of instruction on product(Including Photograph)
  • 3. Copy of document proving one of the cases in Electric Applicance and Household Safety Control Act article 16 from section2 to section6

· Exemption range for part of report : Quality mangement and and Safety Control of Industrial Product Article 19 Paragraph7 from subparagraph 2 to 4 (You have to apply for self safety verification report since you are only exempt from safety test and inspection.)

· Exemption Range for whole report : Article 19 Paragraph7 Subparagraph1, 5, and 6

  • - Article19 Paragraph7 Subparagraph1
    Research Development or Export
  • - Article19 Paragraph7 Subparagraph2
    「Industrial Standardization Act 」 Certified by Article 15
  • - Article19 Paragraph7 Subparagraph3
    「Occupational Safety and Health Acts」 Certified by Article 34 Pargraph 2 or Paragraph 4
  • - Article19 Paragraph7 Subparagraph4
    「Occupational Safety and Health Acts」 Self safety verification report through Article 35 Paragraph 1
  • - Article19 Paragraph7 Subparagraph5
    Certified by getting test and inspection from organization which has established mutual agreement with domestic and overseas organization.
  • - Article19 Paragraph7 Subparagraph6
    Other cases you do not have to notify if it meets standard provided by Knowledge Economy Minister

Apply for inspection of industrial products for same model

If you need import clearance(Product verified through customs) apply through UNI-PASS(http://portal.customs.go.kr/)
(Excluding products that proved its safety)

Apply for clearance in advance

You can apply when you need product inspection, safety verification report for safety certification (But, only when there is inquiry about test and inspection for safety verification report) or report for child-resistant package by applying through UNI-PASS(http://portal.customs.go.kr/) (Please contact Product Safety Association for more information through TEL.02-890-8300)

Impose fee for Self safety verification report(Including report for change)


자율안전확인신고(변경신고 포함) 구분에 따른 수수료(부가세 별도), Unit:won
Classification Fee(VAT is not included)
Safety verification report 50,000
Safety verification change report 5,000

Labeling standard and method for safety certification labeling

- Shape for KC design and protocol (Executed in 1st, July 2009)

Electric appliances and Household Safety Control Act Article 45, relevant with enforcement regulation Article 25 Paragraph1

Label on industrial product that was notified to safety certification agency after manufacturer or importer got approval from safety inspection provided by designated inspection agency

Labeling standard

Design shape for safety certification label


Protocol for design

  • - Size for self safety verification label can be adjusted based on size of industrial product
  • - Basic color for self safety verification label is nave(color 5PB 2/8 according to KS A 0062) or black( color N 2 according to KS A 0062)

Labeling method

  • - Self safety verification label should be attached to surface of industrial product for easy identification, printed or stamped.
  • - If it is hard to attach self safety verification label on the surface of industrial product or if there is no worry about distribution since actual consumers will buy and use for itself, you can attach label on the minimum package.