

서브 비주얼

Supplier confirmity verification

Supplier confirmity verification

Electric appliances and Household Safety Control Act, Article 25

System that requires manufacturer or importer to label based on rules determined by Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy on products or packaging that needs supplier confirmity verification

Product subject for supplier confirmity verification

Electric appliances and Household Safety Control Act Article 2 Subparagraph 12 and same Act enforcement regulation Article 3 Paragraph 6 Household products that could cause accidents or dangers while consumer use,handle, or carry or it is hard for consumers to identify composition, function, size, etc.

Item available for registration

공급자적합성확인(생활용품) 분야별 접수가능 품목
Field Supplier appropriate item available for registration
Textile Textile product for household(Including contact type)
  • - Leather product
  • - Moisture repelling agent
  • - Soap for cosmetics
  • - Toilet paper
  • - plasticized polyvinyl chloride
  • - Candle
Household product Furniture, Drying rack, cotton swab, glasses frame , tent, wheelchair table for old people, Goggles, Stainless sponge, Roller skate, Shoes with wheels, Metal accesories, (假) Eyelash, inline roller skate, kick board

Ways to check confirmity(Choose one)

  • - Test report from official testing agency
  • - Test report itslef
  • - Test report of company for raw materials
  • - Overseas official organization or test report from company
  • - Documents that can prove confirmity to safety standard

Electric appliances and Household Safety Control Act Article 45, relevant with enforcement regulation Article 25 Paragraph 1

Label on industrial product that was notified to safety certification agency after manufacturer or importer got approval from safety inspection provided by designated inspection agency

Electric appliances and Household Safety Control Act enforcement regulation[Enforced in 2017.1.28.] [Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, Subparagraph 238, 2017.1.26., all revised]

Labeling standard

Design shape for supplier confirmity


Protocol for design

  • - Size of shape for Supplier confirmity verification can be adjusted based on size of industrial product
  • - Basic color for Supplier confirmity verification is navy(color 5PB 2/8 according to KS A 0062) or black(color N 2 according to KS A 0062 ).