Specialized task
Failure cause analysis
Companies can prevent the recurrence of faults and defects by changing material, process improvement, and condition improvement through the failure cause analysis provided by KTR. In addition, it will prevent additional material, human and mental damage which may be caused by failure of products or parts.
Prevent recurrence of failures
We provide a failure cause analysis for small and medium-sized venture companies whose infrastructure such as analytical equipments and manpower has not been established yet.
Resolving damage compensation issues
We provide objective information about the appropriate testing and design regarding the court appraisal of legal disputes between companies. Also, we provide information on the object of appraisal.
Quality improvement and new product development
Based on the information obtained from the analysis of failure/failure causes, you can obtain the original technology regarding the designing of products and parts.
Court appraisal
If it is necessary to make a special case in the course of a lawsuit, the court may conduct an evidence investigation to report opinion or knowledge by asking a third party who has knowledge and experience in that field, in order to make professional judgments about facts. The investigation of evidence conducted by a third party at the request of the court is called a court appraisal.
SME technology development and technical consulting
We offer solutions such as improving reliability, product technology development, and technical doctors to help SMEs respond to changing internal and external business environments. This will strengthen the competitiveness of SMEs.
Sound insulation performance test room (Acoustic transmission loss)
Test and evaluation items
Measurement of transmission loss of various sound insulation materials
Test items
Related standards
- KS F ISO 10140-2 Acoustics
- Measuring method for sound insulation laboratory without the building
Part 2: How to measure the airborne sound insulation performance
Reverberation room (sound absorption rate)
Test and evaluation items
Test items
Related standards
Low temperature and high temperature property test
Measurement of properties such as tensile strength, yield strength and elastic modulus of the material under various temperature conditions in chamber or furnace
Related products
Highly precise property test
Video Extensometer
Bi-Axial Extensometer
Large structure compression tester (Max500kN)
Maximum testable size: (W) 2000x (L) 2000x (H) 1300mm
Related products and test items
High capacity universal testing machine (Max3000kN)
Related products and test items
Precision measurement test and computational analysis
Precision measurement: Mesures the precise dimension, shape and illuminance of various metallic parts of machines
Computer application field
Texture test and surface treatment test
Regarding the texture test: Measures the spheroidizing ratio of texture analysis, grain size, nonmetallic inclusions and graphite