

서브 비주얼

Corrosion & Microstructure

Major tests

Corrosion test for metal materials

  • - Corrosion test : ASTM G 48 (Method A, B, C, D, E, F), A 262 (Pracice A, B, C, E), G 28 (Method A)
  • - Evaluation of localized corrosion(Pitting, crevice corrosion) and intergranular corrosion of stainless steel
  • - Calculation of corrosion rate by immersion weight loss method (ASTM G 31)
  • - Test of Hydrogen Induced Cracking (NACE TM 0284) and Sulfide Stress Corrosion Cracking (NACE TM 0177) according to NACE standard
  • - Chloride stress corrosion test(Cl-SCC, ASTM G 36) on Four Point Bend Test (ASTM G 39), C-Ring and tensile test

Microstructure analysis of metal materials

  • - Analysis on the microstructure of metal materials (× 25, × 50, × 100, × 200, × 400, × 500 and × 1000)
  • - Observation with a metal microscope(grain size, spheroidized pecent of Graphite, nonmetallic inclusions, ferrite contents, etc.)
  • - Macro analysis (Welding, Defect, Porosity shape of welding part, pore and defect analysis)
  • - SEM image and SEM-EDX analysis (qualitative-quantitative EDS, mapping, etc.)
  • - Metal-flow and Sulfur print test

Specialized corrosion test and surface analysis services

  • - Electrochemical corrosion test (Potentiodynamic, corrosion rate, EPR, Galvanic, CCT, CPT, etc.)
  • - Failure Analysis (defects such as cracks, corrosion, leaks, etc.) and proposes the solutions.
  • - Corrosion evaluation with actual environment simulation(gas corrosion, combined corrosion cycle, stress corrosion, high-temp. high pressure, hydrogen embrittlement, etc.)
  • - Evaluation on the physical properties of coating layer (Nano-Indentation, Scratch Test, AFM surface analysis and Tribometer)