

서브 비주얼

Approval on Active Substance

Biocidal products that do not receive approval of the Minister of Environment is prohibited

Conditions for Approval

1. Shall not adversely impact human/animal health or the environment
2. Shall have the effect or efficiency enough for removal of harmful life
3. Shall not induce tolerance or "unnecessary pain in the target organisms
4. If used for removing vertebrates, any unnecessary pain shall not be caused.

Approval procedure of active substance


- (Acceptance of sameness) If an active substance can be proved on the sameness with other approved active substance, the approval procedure can be way more simplified.

Grace period for existing active substances

The active substances that have been placed in the market from Dec. 31 2018 can be registered after reporting to the MoE by Jun. 30 2019. Then, the grace period for approval for these active substance would be granted by the MoE until Dec. 30 2019 (Max. 10 years of grace period provided). Once a person who intends to receive grace period for their substances shall submits an approval application plan and then the approval procedure would be performed within the grace period. If there are multiple applicants for one substance, co-registration is recommended.
