

서브 비주얼

Supplier confirmity verification

Supplier confirmity verification system( Children product safety management)

Children's product safety special act Article 25

System that requires manufacturer or importer of supplier confirmity children product to check its product are appropriate and label supplier confirmity verification prior to release or customs clearance.

Supplierconfirmity verification children product

Children's product safety special act Artilce 2 Subparagraph 12 and same Act enforcement regulation Article 2 Paragraph 3 Asterisk 3 as reference

Children product excludes safety certification children product and safety verification children product.

Item available for registration

  • 1. Leather product for children
  • 2. Cotton swab for children
  • 3. Glasses frame and sunglasses for children
  • 4. Goggles for children
  • 5. Unbrella and parasol for children
  • 6. Shoew with wheel for children
  • 7. Roller skate for children
  • 8. Component for shopping cart
  • 9. Accessories for children
  • 10. Kick board for children
  • 11. Inline roller skates for children
  • 12. Furniture for children
  • 13. Fabric product for children
  • 14. Other items, etc. (All products for children except for products for children that need safety certification and verification)

Necessary documents and procedure by stage

Apply for supplier confirmity verification

You don't need to report to test·inspection agency and apply if you want to get report for ways to check safety standard by yourself.

Test period and fees (Executed: 4th June, 2015)

Fee for supplier confirmity verification item with individual standard

개별 기준이 있는 공급자적합성확인 품목, 기간, 공급자적합성확인 수수료, 공급자적합성확인 시료크기, 공급자적합성확인 모델구분 및 비고
Item Period(Including Saturday, Sunday Supplier confirmity verification Note
Individual standard Fee(Won) Minimum samples available for test(Amount of samples) Classification by model
Textile product for children Coating, rubber, plastic 14days 910,000 3

Submit as complete product, if there is not enough samples please provide extra part(by materials, color, etc)

Amount provided : At least more than 10g by part

Exclude coating, rubber, plastic 710,000 3 -
Cotton swab for children 182,000 5 -
Glasses frame and sun glasses for children 110,000 3 -
Children's swimming glasses 1,028,000 8 By type(single/double/multiple)
Umbrella and parasol for children 80,000 3 -
Shoes with wheel for children 210,000 2set -
Roller skate for children 165,000 2set -
Parts for shopping cart 75,000 2 -
Accessories for children 390,000 5 By materials (Textile/Plastic, Metal, Wood/ Leather)
Kick board for children 445,000 2 -
Inline roller skate for children 290,000 2set -
Furniture for children Physical test 200,000 won
test for harmful substance are set separately
: Set fees after sample verification
2 By type, shape
  • ※ Impose 2,000 won for postage and basic fee 5,000 for each case
  • ※ Extra fee could be charged if it is inquired after classified by materials and color which could cause change in inspection item or result.
  • ※ Apply both safety condition of supplier confirmity with individual standard and common safety standard for children product.
  • ※ Please refer to fee for common safety standard for children product by classified as 1,2,3,4.
  • ※ VAT 10% is not included

Fee for common safety standard for children product

어린이제품공통안전기준 검사 품목, 기간, 공급자적합성 수수료, 공급자적합성 시료크기, 공급자적합성 모델구분 및 비고
Item Period(Including Saturday, Sunday) Supplier confirmity Note
Fee(won) Minimum amount available for test(Amount of samples) Classifcation by model
(1) General Common safety standard for children Product less than 36 months Product surface for stamp (Including coating) 14days

Physical property 45,000won

Exudation 100,000won (40,000 won for extra)

Lead/Cadmium 50,000won (30,000 won for extra)

Phthalate plasticizers 100,000won (40,000 won for extra)


Submit as complete product, if there is not enough samples please provide extra part(by materials, color, etc)

Amount provided : At least more than 10g by part

Synthetic resins
Less than 13 years old Products used by putting it into mouth
(2) Common(1) Synthetic resins/Coating on textile and leather

Physical property 45,000won

Lead/Cadmium 50,000won (30,000 won for extra)

Phthalate plasticizers 100,000won (40,000 won for extra)

Synthetic resins/Except for coating on textile and leather

Physical property 45,000won

Phthalate plasticizers 100,000won (40,000 won for extra)

(3) Magnet and parts for magnet Common safety standard for children Common safety standard for children Product surface for stamp(Including coating)

Physical property 45,000won

Exudation 100,000won (40,000 won for extra)

Lead/Cadmium 50,000won (30,000 won for extra)

Phthalate plasticizers 100,000won (40,000 won for extra)

Test related with magnet 50,000 won

Synthetic resins
Less than 13 years old Products used by putting it into mouth
(4) Common(3)
Synthetic resins/Coating on textile and leather

Physical property 45,000won

Lead/Cadmium 50,000won (30,000 won for extra)

Phthalate plasticizers 100,000won (40,000 won for extra)

Test related with magnet 50,000 won

Synthetic resins/Except for coating on textile and leather

Physical property 45,000won

Phthalate plasticizers 100,000won (40,000 won for extra)

Test related with magnet 50,000 won

  • ※ Impose 2,000 won for postage and basic fee 5,000 for each case
  • ※ Extra fee could be charged if it is inquired after classified by materials and color which could cause change in inspection item or result.
  • ※ For product more than 96 months if it has warning labels 45,000 won for physical safety standard is excluded.
  • ※ For children product with no individual standard only apply safety condition of common safety standard for children product.
  • ※ VAT 10% is not included

Standard and method for supplier confirmity label and warning·caution label

Design shape for supplier confirmity label


Design shape for warning·caution for children product

(좌)주의표시 (우)경고표시 확대