

서브 비주얼

Safety Confirmation

Safety verifcation system(Safety management for children product)

Children's product safety special act article 22

System that requires manufacturer or importer of children product to get safety test from designated safety certification agency prior to release or clearance and reporting it to safety certification agency after verifying it has meet safety standard

Safety certification subject children product

Children's product safety special act Article 2 Subparagraph 9 and same Act enforcement regulation Article 2 Paragraph 2 Asterisk 2 as reference

Among children products that are likely to cause harm to children due to structure, materials, and method, children products that can prevent such dangers through product inspection.

Registration available item

  • 1. Textile product for baby
  • 2. Children product made out of synthetic resin(Excluding floor mat)
  • 3. Second floor bed for children
  • 4. Toy
  • 5. Tricycle for baby
  • 6. Baby chair
  • 7. Disposable diaper for children
  • 8. School supply
  • 9. Walker
  • 10. Stroller
  • 11. Baby bed
  • 12. Thermal pack for children
  • 13. Carrier for baby

Necessary documents by stage and procedure

Apply for safety verification

Check necessary document when reporting safety verification for children product.

Apply for change in safety verification

Apply if you want to change your safety verification (But, changing manufacturing information(Nationality, Company) and item are not included.)

Apply for exemption from safety verification

If product is for exhibition and conference or for research, development, export, or import, you can apply for exemption.

Apply for exemption from safety cerification

If product is for exhibition and conference or for research, development, export, or import, you can apply for exemption. (Please contact Product Safety Association for more information through TEL.02-890-8300)

Apply for clearance for industrial product

Apply if you need safety inspection for safety certification.

Apply for inspection of industrial products for same model

If you need import clearance(Product verified through customs) apply through UNI-PASS(http://portal.customs.go.kr/). (Excluding products that proved its safety) [Apply for clearance in advance]

Inspection fee and period (Execute:15, July 2015)

안전확인제도 검사 품목, 기간, 안전확인 수수료, 안전확인 시료크기, 안전확인 모델구분 및 비고
Item Term(Including Saturday, Sunday ) Safety certification Note
Fee(won) Minimum amount available to test(Size of samples) Classification of model
Safety certification Textile product for baby Product with no processing 14 Days 361,000 3 [Download]

Application fee


Change acceptance fee


Parts attached to product without processing 411,000
Coated product 481,000
Resist printed product 536,000
Allergic dye product 636,000
Coating and Resist printed product 681,000
Coating and allergic dye product 781,000
Resist printed allergic dye product 736,000
Synthetic resins product for children Children protective product 14 Days 385,000 4
Baby nipple 1,030,000
Baby nipple holder 590,000
Second floor bed for children 14 Days 791,500 2
Toy Operative less than 3 years old Plastic 14Days 1,248,500 2
Fabric 776,000
Wood 1,002,000
Metal/Others 721,000
3~8세 Plastic 692,500
Fabric 726,000
Wood 962,000
Metal/Others 711,000
More than 8 years old Plastic 564,000
Fabric 526,000
Wood 742,000
Metal/Others 486,000
Non-operative Less than 3 Plastic 1,158,000
Fabric 686,000
Wood 922,000
Metal/Others 621,000
3~8 years old Plastic 602,500
Fabric 636,000
Wood 752,000
Metal/Others 621,000
More than 8 years old Plastic 490,500
Fabric 436,000
Wood 652,000
Metal/Others 396,000
Toy operated through mouth   1,204,000
Tent 812,500
Projectile toy 827,500
Toy car Non-operative 877,500
Operative 997,500
Toy scooter 957,000
Toy for activitiy Slide 180,000
Swing 495,000
Others 201,500
Finger paint 1,300,000
Experiment set 1,300,000
Tricycle for baby 14Days 683,000 3
Seat for children High seat for baby 14Days 580,000 3
Booster seat for baby 520,000
Baby chair adeherent to table 560,000
Disposable diaper for children 14Days 416,000 3
(25 standards)
School supply Crayon 14Days 155,000 3
Pencil and pencil lead 155,000
Sharp pencil and lead 255,000
Eraser 255,000
Pastel 255,000
Paint 255,000
Chalk 155,000
Marking pen 375,000
Pencil sharpener 255,000
Pencil case 255,000
Colored paper 155,000
Note book 155,000
Sketchbook 155,000
Clay 755,000
Glue 341,000
Instrument 255,000
Packaging and wrapping materials 155,000
Walker 14Days 540,000 3 (Consultation)
Stroller 14Days 874,500 2 (Consultation)
Bed for baby Tilted cradle and cot 14Days 619,500 2
Bed and cradle for household and baby 533,000
Bed and folding bed for household and baby 583,000
Toy fence for household 739,000
Thermal pack for children 14Days 540,000 9
Carrier for kids Carrier without frame 14Days 575,000 3
Carrier with frame 612,000
  • ※ Impose 2,000 won for postage and basic fee 5,000 for each case
  • ※ Extra fee could be charged if it is inquired after classified by materials and color which could cause change in inspection item or result.
  • ※ Based on detailed classification of common safety standard for children product, part of fee can be extra charged.
    (Second floor bed and disposable diaper for children, etc)
  • ※ VAT 10% not included

Standard and method for safety verification label and warning and precaution

Design shape for safety verification label

KC마크 - 안전확인 신고확인증번호:

Design of warning and caution label for children's product

(좌)주의표시 (우)경고표시 확대