

서브 비주얼

Occupational Safety and Health Act

OSAHA (Occupational Safety and Health Act)

The purpose of this Act is to maintain and promote the safety and health of employees through prevention of industrial accidents by establishing standards on industrial safety and health and clarifying where the responsibility lies, and through creation of a comfortable working environment.

Process Safety Report(PSM)

PSM is the program that prevents industrial accidents that could damage the persons within work site and the surrounding area of work site from the fire, explosion, and leak of hazardous substance in hazardous facility.

1) Subjects to submission of PSM

① Industries to submit PSM

제출대상 업종 분류코드
Industry (Classification code)
Refining Process of Crude Oil (19210) Manufacturing of Synthetic Resins and other Plastics (20302) Manufacturing of Pesticides (20412)
Other Reprocessing of Oil Products (19229) Manufacturing of Fertilizers with Nitrogen, Phosphoric Acid, and Potassium (20201) Manufacturing of Chemical and Flammable Products (20494)
Manufacturing of Petrochemical Components (20111) Manufacturing of Composite Fertilizer (20202)  

② Substances subject to submission

제출대상 물질
Names of hazardous and risk substances Regulated Quantity(kg) Names of hazardous and risk substances Regulated Quantity(kg)
Flammable Gas Maunfacturing·Handling : 5,000
Storing : 200,000
Flammable Liquid Maunfacturing·Handling : 5,000
Storing : 200,000
Metal isocyanate Maunfacturing·Handling·Storing : 150 phosgene Maunfacturing·Handling·Storing : 750
acrylonitrile Maunfacturing·Handling·Storing : 20,000 ammonia Maunfacturing·Handling·Storing : 200,000
chlorine Maunfacturing·Handling·Storing : 20,000 sulfur dioxide Maunfacturing·Handling·Storing : 250,000
sulfur dioxide Maunfacturing·Handling·Storing : 250,000 sulfur trioxide Maunfacturing·Handling·Storing : 75,000
carbon bisulfide Maunfacturing·Handling·Storing : 5,000 hydrogen cyanide Maunfacturing·Handling·Storing : 1,000
hydrogen fluoride Maunfacturing·Handling·Storing : 1,000 hydrogen chloride Maunfacturing·Handling·Storing : 20,000
hydrogen sulfide Maunfacturing·Handling·Storing : 1,000 ammonium nitrate Maunfacturing·Handling·Storing : 500,000
nitroglycerin Maunfacturing·Handling·Storing : 10,000 trinitrotoluene Maunfacturing·Handling·Storing : 50,000
hydrogen Maunfacturing·Handling·Storing : 50,000 ethylene oxide Maunfacturing·Handling·Storing : 10,000
phosphine Maunfacturing·Handling·Storing : 50 silane Maunfacturing·Handling·Storing : 50
nitric acid (More than 94.5%) Maunfacturing·Handling·Storing : 250 oleum (More than 65% - less than 80% of sulfur trioxide) Maunfacturing·Handling·Storing : 500,000
peroxide (More than 52%) Maunfacturing·Handling·Storing : 3,500 Toluene Diisocyanate Maunfacturing·Handling·Storing : 100,000
chlorosulfonate Maunfacturing·Handling·Storing : 500,000 hydrogen bromide Maunfacturing·Handling·Storing : 2,500
phosphorus trichloride Maunfacturing·Handling·Storing : 750,000 benzyl chloride Maunfacturing·Handling·Storing : 750,000
chlorine dioxide Maunfacturing·Handling·Storing : 500 thionyl chloride Maunfacturing·Handling·Storing : 150
bromine Maunfacturing·Handling·Storing : 100,000 nitrogen monoxide Maunfacturing·Handling·Storing : 1,000
boron tri-chloride Maunfacturing·Handling·Storing : 1,500 ethyl methyl ketone peroxide Maunfacturing·Handling·Storing : 2,500
boron trifluoride Maunfacturing·Handling·Storing : 150 nitroaniline Maunfacturing·Handling·Storing : 2,500
chlorine fluoridation Maunfacturing·Handling·Storing : 500 fluorine Maunfacturing·Handling·Storing : 20,000
cyanuric fluorine Maunfacturing·Handling·Storing : 50 nitrogen trifluoride Maunfacturing·Handling·Storing : 2,500
nitro cellulose (More than 12.6% of nitrogen) Maunfacturing·Handling·Storing : 100,000 benzoyl peroxide Maunfacturing·Handling·Storing : 3,500
perchloric acid ammonium Maunfacturing·Handling·Storing : 3,500 Dichloro Silane Maunfacturing·Handling·Storing : 1,500
diethyl alumium chloride Maunfacturing·Handling·Storing : 2,500 Diisopropyl peroxydicarbonate Maunfacturing·Handling·Storing : 3,500
hydrofluoric acid (More than 1%) Maunfacturing·Handling·Storing : 1,000 hydrochloric acid (More than 10%) Maunfacturing·Handling·Storing : 20,000
sulfuric acid (More than 10%) Maunfacturing·Handling·Storing : 20,000 ammonia solution (More than 10%) Maunfacturing·Handling·Storing : 20,000

2) PSM Contents (12 factors)

공정안전보고서 내용(12요소) 확대

  • 공정안전자료의 체계화

    • 유해/위험물질 목록과 MSDS
    • 설비목록
    • 공정도면 (PFD/P&ID)
    • 폭발위험지역 구분도
  • 위험성 평가
  • 안전운전계획

    • 안전운전지침서
    • 설비점검 및 유지계획
    • 안전작업허가
    • 도급업체 안전관리계획
    • 근로자 교육계획
    • 가동 전 점검지침
    • 변경요소 관리계획
    • 자체감사 계획
    • 공정사고조사 계획
  • 비상조치계획

3) Evaluation and Confirmation Process

심사 및 확인절차 확대

  • 사업주 -> 공정안전보고서 제출 -> 안전보건공단(예방센터 기술지원팀)
  • 안전보건공단(예방센터 기술지원팀) -> 심사결과 통보(접수 후 30일 이내) -> 사업주
  • 사업주 -> 확인 신청 -> 안전보건공단(예방센터 기술지원팀)
  • 안전보건공단(예방센터 기술지원팀) -> 현장 확인(요청일로부터 1개월 이내) -> 사업주
  • 안전보건공단(예방센터 기술지원팀) -> 확인결과 통보 (확인일로부터 15일 이내) -> 사업주
  • 안전보건공단(예방센터 기술지원팀) -> 결과 통보 -> 고용노동부(예방감동센터)
  • 고용노동부(예방감동센터) -> 행정조치 -> 사업주

* 심사 : 적정, 조건부적정, 부적정 / 확인 : 적합, 조건부적합, 부적합

KTR Service

PSM Consulting

  • - Examination of subjects of PSM and process data
  • - Preparation of Process Charts (PFD, P&ID, etc.)
  • - Conduct process risk evaluation and establish improvement measures (with the proactive cooperation from the operators)
  • - Plan for safe operation suitable to the site, and provide guide with instructions including emergency action plans
  • - Respond to the evaluation from Korea Occupational Safety and Health Agency and provide solutions for improvement

Hazard Prevention Plan Consulting

  • - Examination of subjects of Hazard Prevention Plan and process data
  • - Examination of process charts (PFD, P&ID, etc.)
  • - Preparation of the plan
  • - Respond to the evaluation from Korea Occupational Safety and Health Agency and provide solutions for improvement