

서브 비주얼

DLC certification system

Outline for DLC certification system

DLC(DesignLights™Consortium) is a program carried out by NIST: National Institute of Standards and Technology. System assure high quality of light system and high function through certain test. It is Energy Rebate program in U.S. like Energy Star. To save energy in Northern America it has similar charateristics with high efficiency certification system in our country. Currently 1800 products produced by about 250 manufacturer are registered and managed.

For export in Northern America, with NRTL certification, it is one of essential certification and through Lighting Fact Program running by National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP) and U.S Department of Energy (DOE), test can only be conducted at officially registered test facility.

  • NVLAP 인정서 예시 확대

    NVLAP certificate

  • CEC 인정 시험소 등록 웹사이트 화면확대

    CEC recognition laboratory registration status

NRTL certification consingment service procedure by KRT


KTR is the only test certification organization in nation that has qualification from NVLAP test facility and recognized from California Energy Commission (CEC). KTR provdies one stop service from NRTL certification to DLC test and other tests requried to enter Northern America market with quick handling time at reasonable price.

Required information

  • 1. Product Sheet of manufacturert (Manufacturer’s product sheet)
  • 2. LED package specification(LED package specification sheet)
  • 3. LM-79-08 Test Report (by NVLAP certified test facility)
    • a. Photometric measurements (light output and efficacy)
    • b. Color measurereport (CCT and CRI)
    • c. Electrical measurements (input voltage and current, power, power factor, etc.)
  • 4. Lumen maintenance report
    • - IESNA LM-80 test report (by LED PKG manufacturer)
    • - In-situ temperature measurements test (ISTMT) report (by NVLAP certified test facility)
    • - LED package manufacturer's temperature measurement point(TMP) diagram/picture
    • - Picture of measured temperatureLED packaging firm designated by TMP(Including thermo couple).
  • 5. IES file
  • 6. Declaration of Warranty (by manufacturer)

Point of contact

담당자 - Name, Tel, E-mail
Name Position Task Tel E-mail
Park Jinjae Manager KC, CB, CCC, CE etc Global Certificate +82-2-2164-1479 jjpark@ktr.or.kr